Luxurious Barbershops
Forget the metrosexual male manicure. Men now want an old-fashioned straight razor shave like grandpa would've got at the corner barbershop. But they want it with luxurious emollients, a $1,200...
Forget the metrosexual male manicure. Men now want an old-fashioned straight razor shave like grandpa would've got at the corner barbershop. But they want it with luxurious emollients, a $1,200...
Forget the metrosexual male manicure. Men now want an old-fashioned straight razor shave like grandpa would've gotten at the corner barbershop. But they want it with luxurious emollients, a $1,200...
Called the Damascene Razor, this shaving blade is hand-forged in Germany with 128 layers of legendary Damascene steel, with a rose and torsion pattern. This process in the same arcane...
Manscaping, as some might call it, has come a long way over the centuries. We thought it would be fun to look back at the creators of our nation’s most sacred document...